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PostPosted: Sun Sep 18, 2005 9:35 pm

>> I feel when these moves happen, the world will finally fight back and crush America, and rightfully so<<<

Right on dude. This government needs a big turd dumped right on their heads. The U.S government is full of serial killers and mass murderers and a day of recogning is at hand. This skull and bones government needs to be brought back to their constitutional boundaries and limits at any cost. Too bad a lot of good people are going to die when bush starts wwIII.

PostPosted: Sun Sep 18, 2005 9:40 pm

>> I feel when these moves happen, the world will finally fight back and crush America, and rightfully so<<<

Right on dude. This government needs a big turd dumped right on their heads. The U.S government is full of serial killers and mass murderers and a day of recogning is at hand. This skull and bones government needs to be brought back to their constitutional boundaries and limits at any cost. Too bad a lot of good people are going to die when bush starts wwIII. GO AHEAD REPLY TO THIS,LETS HEAR IT. SAY SOMETHING REALLY TOUGH,REALLY MEAN. GO AHEAD MAN LETS HEAR IT. YEAH, BRING IT ON. AMERICA IS RUN BY GEORGE (HITLER) BUSH JR. THE BUSH ADMINISTRATION IS A BUNCH OF SADISTIC BUTT FACES. NEED I SAY MORE? OF COURSE I DO AND I WILL.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 12:45 am

Kudos for having spawned this site which appears to contain *more original and well informed opinion per post* than any other such site one recollects having sampled. Many dots and connections of my own independent info-fishing confirmed. Taking it from the top.<br />
<br />
The *Iran gambit* has been approaching a crescendo for a long time, dating back to the fall of the Shah and the installation of Ayatollah [incarnate Allah] Khomenei; the Petrocrats thought they could keep him under control; Richard Helms -- former DCI and the subject of Thomas Powers' book *The Man Who Kept The Secrets* (whom some contend impersonated Howard Hughes after he went into seclusion) -- was the US Ambassador in Iran throughout this period. So there's a *revenge* factor here as well as the petro-dollar *problem*. Similarly, but going back much further, we find Genghis Khan of the Mongolians attacking the early practitioners Mohammedanism who had imposed their thuggish presence in Persia. The Mongols sacked Baghdad in 1065 and opened the way for the Crusades to establish the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem (in Palestine). That ancient, deep-rooted anagonism between Persians and Arabs somewhat predisposed the Iranians to tilt slightly toward Israel -- recall that Olllie North's Iran-Contra arms-for-hostages deals with the Iranians went through Israel -- but now it is Israel which is most-threatening to Iran/Persia. The side-switching and back-stabbing of the history of inter-nation and inter-faith relations continues unabated, as if according to some nefarious Divine Plan.<br />
<br />
The *false intelligence* pattern is such a clear fingerprint of Those Who Must Be Obeyed that it almost gets in the way. Seeeig through this *gimme* we discern the fundamentals you indicate: Anglo-American economic hegemony. In his brilliant speech to the assembled world *leaders* at the UN last Thursday (September 15), Venezuelan president HUGO CHAVEZ laid the problem bare, proposed some alternatives and, in a subsequent press conference, is on the record accusing UNCLE SCAM of *state terrorism*. One observes, encourages and sustains the emergence of clear thinking about the choice: Boycott Greenbacks or participate in the looming self-extinction of human evolution -- collectively, all of *us* not only *them* despite their dualistic (rather than tetrahedronal) constructs to the contrary.<br />
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"To understand this true weapon of mass destruction, you must understand the position the American Dollar holds in the world economy." Almost unbelievably true. See John Perkin's 2004 best-seller *Confessions of an Economic Hitman* (or listen to archived audio interviews with him in various places known to search engines).<br />
<br />
The reference to World War Two and its aftermath requires one to state the opinion that this particular sequence of battles in the long-standing war for the world, which is the only feasible reading of the history of the past millennium, is a *naked outbreak* of the nearly 1000-year struggle between, on the winning side, the Knights Templar [Norman-French] and Knights Hospitaller [British] against the Teutonic Knights [Germany]. What gets so confusing is how this *big three* of medieval Europe participates in the takeover of the already collapsing indigenous civilizations in what had come to be called *The Americas* and/or *The New World*. For just one example of the underlying significance of this *ancient history* to current world events, Bush of BAGHAD is a third-generation Bonesman; GEORGE of KUWAIT is a second-generation Bonesman; PRESCOTT of WALL STREET and the PGA arranged most of the US banking and financial transactins with the Teutons. So what's the connection? Twofold: For one, England has been ruled by Hanoverian monarchs since whenever; for two, The Order of Skull & Bones* was implanted on the grounds of YALE University in PRINCEton, New Jersey, USA, in the early 1830s as a new-world *outpost* of a much older GERMANIC *Order* -- of which there seem many but, historically, there is only one which has retained its predominance throughout. And finally, it is essential to also elaborate that these *big three* ALL started early during *The Crusades*; became all-powerful in its own territories in the subsequent centuries; continually influenced, encouraged, and sabotaged the affairs of all their various states and estates -- the truly *trans-national* governance of the planet -- and *invented* and still dominates what we call *banking*. Sometimes they all work together, but more often the pattern seems to be either two against one (as is again the case in the attack on Iraq) or all three embroiled in simultaneous antagonism -- which would surely be the result of a dollar meltdown. But would this be so tragic from the planet's poit of view? After all, the common denominator to pollution load is over production. Just a thought.<br />
<br />
"In fact, two energy exchanges, the International Petroleum Exchange (IPE) in London, and the New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX) emerged as the only places to trade energy products and everything was priced in US dollars." This is ultra significant. Talk about *monopoly* -- the game, for real. Recollect that it was crusty old BAPTIST curmudgeon John D. Reckafellow who is on the record a stating that *his God* told him that *competition is a sin*. By the beginning of the 20th century and the simultaneous conversion from Lamp light (kerosene) to Edision light (electric illumination) on the one hand, and the advent of motorized (so-called horseless, or horse-free) carriage creating a huge new market for *gasoline*... The logical conclusion that *whoever controls petro-piracy, controls* -- period -- was already true long ago. The only major *freelancer* in the early 20th century, when the American British Dutch *combine* was securely in place, was Czarist Russia and its Nobel Brothers-financed railway to the Baku oil fields -- and look what happeened to them, and Russia. Any connection? The larger point being that *it's about oil, stoopid* has been correct many times before this latest and most blatant invasion/occupation of MesoPOTamia. No wonder they want to keep us ALL stoopid droolers and Rockeflocking sheeple; otherwise they could ever have gotten away with it this long. All hail self-studies projects and home schoolers!<br />
<br />
I love this bit: "What most governments, but few citizens, know, is that the rush to war was due to Saddam Hussain’s committing the high crime of accepting Euros for oil under the [UN's] 'Oil for Food' program." [Another scandal in progress, which has opened the way for the likes of George Galloway to come and testify to US Senators just how he was *framedy*and to tell them some truth about themselves.] "While oil sales from Iraq were minimal" [at least on the surface] "due to UN sanctions, the act of defiance did not go unnoticed." [The salient bit is confirmation that *governments* DO know; if they decide to stop playing by Pax Americana rules because the *pax* has turned into a *pox* then our knowledge confirms their correctness in so doing.<br />
<br />
Someone or other, somewhere, some time, is bound to challenge you on the authenticity of this assertion. You could cite, for example, Francis A. Boyle, esteemed professor of international law at the University of Illinois, Urbana, who -- after Gulf War I -- led a world-sponsored commission of inquiry into the causes and casualties of that conflagration. It was the collective finding that the United States had intentionally caused, and pre-pre-prepared for, the invasion. Remember, up to that point, from his very coming of age, Saddam has been Their Boy in Baghdad. They proceed to sucker him something beautiful by having US Ambassador at the time, April Glaspie, give the so-called *green light* by asserting that the US *takes no position* in the disputes between democratic, civilized, educated, cultured Iraq and imperial, baronial, backward, slavish Kurwait. The instant Saddam crosses the border to put an end to slant-drilling of Iraqi petro-pools as well as to reclaim a *break-away* province of yore, he gets caught in the trap, humilitated, sanctioned; the Euro option was his openly recourse; he took it; and the rest, as they say, is history -- in the making.<br />
<br />
Meanwhile, Uncle GEORGE of KUWAIT executes almost exactly the same maneuver against once golden boy, Manuel Noriega, and invades/occupies PANAMA with barely a ripple of world concern. We must recognize and credit our native ancestors who realized very early, and put into words, that *Great White Father in Washington speaks with forked-tongue* -- later generalized to include all white men in general, and their women and children. Some insist that money has no color; but the great majority of those happen to be white. Money can no longer be *white* or *green* but must be *world* colored, *univere* colored.<br />
<br />
Way back when, latter '70s or so, Ferdinand Lundberg, Gary Allen, Anthony Sampson, and others had clearly identified OPEC as a stooge or *cat's paw* of the so-called *Seven Sisters* (since renamed by some the *Four Horsemen* given the result of 3rd millennium mergerphrenia). Part of the deal, for sure, included Anglo-American-Dutch *banking* requirements. But what seems to have happened, for both strategic and practical reasons, and as a result of the kind of *inevitable competition* they try to control, these various banking entities all set up shop in the same friendly Arab emirates and sultanates and whatnot, which give the pretense of local ownership but are *feudal grants* no less than those handed out by medieval kings and popes.<br />
<br />
There is discussion of the so-called Marshall Plan in post-ar Germany. Pure economic colonization. The *success* of the World War Two *enemies* should be viewed -- as seems to be the majority view in this forum -- as *the spoils of war* not as any *gift* bestowed on these poor defeated people who deserved every dirty trick that could be played against them? Really, Hitler was Their Boy too, and they suckered him (in a slower and more elaborate age) into the aggressions which finally ignited World War Two. Meanwhile in the *Pacific Theater* (as they called it, giving away their perception that it's a scripted play right there), they have strangled Japan to the point where its only defense is offense. The petrocrats of USA, Britain, Holland, are all over that brilliant ploy. And no sooner do they get Japan to cross the line at Pearl Harbor -- thus becoming a pariah nation in *our* collective eyes -- than they secretly commence the incredible research and development prototype, the so-called *Manhattan* Project, to let the *nukular* genie out of the alchemists' prehistoric bottle. That changes EVERYTHING, and the only nation that DOESN'T seem to get it is that Anglo-American (partially Francophone) nation of North America.<br />
<br />
"The US has been working hard overtly, with its weapons of mass destruction smear campaign, as well as covertly, using its own cadre of terrorists, the M.E.K, to destabilize the Iranian government." Let's halt mid-paragraph this time. You seem well informed of this. Good. A fact which certainly conforms to pattern. Has anyone looked closely at the Ovethrow of Mossadeq in Iran in 1953, a joint British-American operation? If you have, you may recollect that one Kim Roosevelt was one of the ringleaders of that caper, which saw the installation of Shah Reza Palavi on his father's long-vacated British-puppet *peacock* throne. Anyway, the aside here is that it is in his accounts, after the fact, that CIAgent Roosevelt inadvertently coined the term *blowback* and used it generally to mean *unintended consequences*. From this, we may deduce that *Yankee hegemony* extending back over half a century has been aware that **** happens. And they don't seem to care. It is a habit which has become chronic, pathological. UNCLE SLAM is a serial civilization-killer. Don't let one start ranting on a considered opinion that the initial *looting* and *pillaging* of the cultural treasures of Iraq was an instentional, pre-scripted priority of *Shock and Awe*. In the larger picture, these upstart *Orders* from the last millennium are determined to destroy the evidence of their historic collusion with the *parent* organizations, going back to the world before CHRISTianity coagulated into the embers of the the Imperial Roman Empire and ignited the Holy Roman Empire which still burns beneath the surface of most every other firefight. Here is the *umbrella group* for ALL THREE original *Orders* of knightood -- their oaths of allegiance were always to the pontificate of *poplicians* in service to *the Throne* of St. Peter.<br />
<br />
Here we may connect a mega-dot: the name *Peter* comes from and, is a synonym with, *petro* and *petrov*. All mean *rock* -- as in *rock*fellers -- *peroleum* being, literally, "rock oil". This millennial change of state seems to dae from an age when these *knights* master, or harness, both the *mariner* skills of the Scandinavians and the art of *building with rock* -- which catches on only slowly in Europe and at great cost to those who do not know how to do it. This was new technology in an agriculture-based economy. The pirates, who could afford to, built castles and fortresses from which they could organize, terrorize and plunder the peasantry almost at will and wherever they implanted.<br />
<br />
Next sentence: "The USA lacks the troops to invade and Dick Cheney has asked the Pentagon to draft a plan to use nuclear weapons against Iran." Yes, this is certainly reported, and has some history to it. But it is only part of, again, a bigger picture. Look carefully and you will find the US military planning something called *Total Systems* dominance strategy -- of which the *anti-balistic missile* space shield controversy is but a part -- but the interruption of *shuttle* services is putting a serious crimp in overall capability.<br />
<br />
Finally, "Assuming that Russia and China do not retaliate with a missile attack against the USA and its assets, using nuclear weapons against Iran could push the rest of the world to use its only real defense against the USA, dumping the Greenback and destroying the US economy." Good as far as you go with it, and reaching a conclusion similar to my own. But I would phrase it differently. If one believes that the ONLY known and likely users of *nukular* weapons is so mad as to follow up the depleted-uranium irradiation of the *cradle of civilization* and *Yugoslavia* for not obeying the dictates of the money cartel -- IMF, World Bank, Bank of International Settlements, Federal Reserve, Bank of England, et cetera -- or their boy *Uncle* JOSEPH STEELMAN of Moscow. Only the Chinese seem out of the loop, but not for long. Learning continues. Adjustments are made. An almost-perfect divide-and-rule arrangement except for *blowback*.<br />
<br />
In this instance, one genuinely believes that neither Russians nor Chinese would initiate a nuclear exchange. And maybe they won't have to. But the greatest risk at the moment appears to be that the more endangered the dollar becomes, the greater will be the dollar-demonic tendency to attack, and damn the torpedoes. As discussed, the attack Iraq scenario was a *demonstration*, as are the continuing massacres at Fallajah and Tal Amir and so many embattled places. The fortress mentality is reigning supreme, and the strategy of dominance from the sky requires the building of the armed bases in occupied and ruined lands. Consider their vulnerability, though. Not so much from external threat as internal rebellion, almost all the Anglo-American-Dutch puppet states are endangered. Something like a Planetary Peoples' liberation agenda.<br />
<br />
Our guess is that, rather than promising tit-for-tat M.A.D. retaliation, the other parties -- especially Russia and China -- are agreed that they would rather try to survive the collapse of AmercaNomics than face the consequences of nuclear devastation. It's a considered opinion but based on personal research of primary sources -- people.<br />
<br />
Without going autobiographical, one had the opportunity to meet, converse with and be inspired by Bucky Fuller, pursuant to which in one's perambulations one asked virtually everyone met well enough to do so, the following question: "Which would you rather try to survive: an economic collapse or a nuclear war?" At the time -- 1971-1974 -- one was an expat Canduvian in never-again land. The point of which anecdote is the necessity of reporting the tragic and disillusioning results of this one-person conduct of hundreds -- maybe upwards of a thousand all told -- of spontaneous, single-question, undocumented, off-the-cuff, on-the-fly, either-or *questionaires*. The OVERWHELMING majority answered, with barely a pause for reflection, that they'd rather try to survive THE BOMB. Upon realization of the near-unanimity of this response, one departed the USA, rarely, briefly, to return.<br />
<br />
Now we know quite a few things, but we don't yet wonder *why* often enough. For example, everyone reading these words will be familiar with the phrase *dumbing down* as in Charlotte Izerbyt's *The Dumbing of America*. We don't ask why, and we should. Look into how ROCKEFELLER (and other *robber baron*) family fortunes get invested *philanthropically* in secretly dominating, among much else, *curricular development*, *textbook publishing* and *educational reform*. This gives the twin benefits of *good PR* as well as effective (covert) control of how education evolves.<br />
<br />
In the medical arena, we seem on the verge of no longer being able to afford *alopathic* types of treatment -- which are increasingly attempting to dominate on a world scale. The pharmaceutical companies should, more correctly, be known as *petroceutical cartels* -- many of them direct descendants of the famous I.G. Farben cartel, without which the second world war could not have been fought. Why? We look back and learn that it was the ROCEFELLER-funded Institute for Medical Research, which later transforms in the Rockefeller Foundation, imports and capitalized ERMAN medical practice. [See the remarkable work of Dr. Leonard Horowitz.]<br />
<br />
In the area of religion, the examples are legion. But in the aftermath of Katrina, many are stating that the dominant religion among the African-American population is BAPTIST. Figure it out for yourself. JOHN THE BAPTIST Davison Wreckafellow was the key investor in the *Baptist Theological College* which he transformed in the *University of Chicago* in the late 1880s. By 1903-1904, Rockefakir is funding an entity called the General Education Board -- get the pattern? *standard* oil, *general* education, *special* operations -- which takes over where the Reconstruction era following the American Civil War leaves off, and completely dominate *educating* these unfortunate masses, and *enticing* them into cities are cheap labor. The remaining black holdouts are either in Africa or Haiti, and look what's happening to them!<br />
<br />
Here's where I'll leave it. Russia and China could be threatening to Boycott Greenbacks AND Euros by putting in place a long-term and just solution to Japanese requirements, by opening a Yen-denominated petroleum exchange facility. Thus liberated, the withdrawal of Yen-support would flush the dollar down the econo-volutionary toilet. Sure it would be hard, devastating even, to a great many in lots of places, but more survivable, maybe not quite as localized and demonstrably *pre-ordained* a catastrophe as post-Katarina New Orleans, Lake Ponchartrain, the Gulf of Mexico, the Gulf Current. (The Bermuda Triangle?) Talk about *blowback*. The *militaristic* response is suspiciously too *ready to roll* and almost too deadly to contemplate. But that there overall intent is terroristic is beyond doubt. If you haven't, try to find Cindy Sheehan's latest outspokenness, a call for US troops to end *the occupation of New Orleans*.<br />
<br />
Keep the Faith. Stay brave. Be prepared. Watch for the signs. Ask Tom King not King Tom [DeLay]. Global dominance is not yet a fait accomli, so a huge part of what's going on is stalling for time while trying to *save face*. It's rather a sad finish line for the human *race*.<br />
<br />
We may not all survive, but some of our offspring might, or some of theirs. In the alternative scenario, the odds are slim to none that such an outcome is possible in any long run.<br />
<br />
---<br />
<br />
Again, congratulations for this excellent discussion, to which one hopes to have made a worthy contribution while becoming familiar with inputting content. Please excuse any typos or garble-de-glitches which have escaped attention and correction; the old eye isn't what it once was but still aims high. You're welcome to look at work in progress, such as it is, at <a href=""></a> (which is added-to almost daily and updated less frequently) if you're curious. It's a chronofile of the recently concluded *millennium* -- quite rich in some places and a bit thin in others, but progresing nicely.<br />
<br />
For a freer, fairer, Fuller Future, *ding*

PostPosted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 4:01 am

The *preview* does not seem to show what might be expected, but this is still RE; *Depression*.<br />
<br />
A whole new dimension to this is revealed in a current article by one Bob Chapman entitled *Secret Agreement to Amalgamate US, Canada and Mexico*. Informative and widely overlooked by the populace because of lack of corporate-media coverage. At <a href=""></a><br />
<br />
Bucky Fuller (1895-1983), in case you don't know this, was a *lone inventor* and *planetary thinker* projected his concept that, when the *emergencies* became serious enough, it would be recognized that there were off-the-shelf ideas which had been previusly debunked and ignored by the current crop of Great Pirates. (Of course, his *critical timeline* as of 1980 required that such fundamental changes in the undertanding and habitation of *Spaceship Earth* would be necessary before the end of the second millennium. We will never know if the subsequent emergence of *the Web-ner* would have altered his calculations. One of his important findings was that because he patented and copyrighted all his inventions most rigorously, in every case corporations tried their best to steal his patents first before fially negotiating with him. He did not recommend that patenting was worth the effort, only warned us that it is a phony system to begin with.<br />
<br />
But one imagines some things got thoroughly humpty-dumpty'd during this latest *leaders* session at the UN. Canada's Paul Martin, in particular, was non-plussed by the *agreed reforms* that his pal Maurice Strong had cobbled together with the Gro Hardland Bruntland, the former *Maggie Thatcher* of HOLLAND. Things have gotten progresively more desperate since then.<br />
<br />
Another speaker at the UN over the weekend was Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad who requested that a new committee he has proposed also "investigate how Israel acquired nuclear weapons" and "accused the United States of violating a treaty banning the spread of atomic weapons."<br />
<br />
This accords with independent findings.<br />
<br />
President Ahmadinejad also insisted that charges that Iran is attempting to build nuclear weapons is "a pure propaganda ploy." To put his marbles where is words come from, he proposed that Iran will welcome "other countries and private companies to participate in his country's uranium enrichment program to prove that Tehran is not producing nuclear weapons." At <a href=""></a><br />
This should lay bare the pretense that the Iran gambit can get away with the *nukular* threat scenario; there seems to need to be a triggering event; look out Syria. And/or another *seismic event* like that which devastated the ancient city of Bam.<br />
<br />
This multiplicity of neo-knights are all playing from the same score that used to include *jousting* and later, the emergence of thoroughbred [Arabian] horse racing when -- as onoe recently read the mos quotable -- "the sun never set on the British Emire, because God was afraid of what it might do in the dark."<br />
<br />
It is this 21st-century Anglo-British-Dutch empire which perpetuates the illuminist persuasion. It is no accident that the *sparkplug* of Bilderberghood was the Dutch Prince Consort, who took the plan to David Rockefeller for approval and implementation. Okay, that's the Big Three of The PLanetary Petrocracy right there. Blend in a good mix of their brilliant Quislings from everywhere European and Canada and elsewhere English is the lingua franca. It's really that blatant.<br />
<br />
Meanwhile they propagate the pretense of freedom while everywhere attempting to stamp out and eli{li}te the genuine mutations thereof.<br />
<br />
The foregoing item about Iran's president at the UN is reported on that website because it singles Israel out for particular attention. Why? Because it is a weak link in the chain. There is an Israeli angle to the take-down of JFK on D-Day in Dallas if one digs deeply enough. Kennedy was powerfully opposed to any technology transfer; his unelected successor, LBJ, reversed that policy -- as well as JFK's plans to remove American *advisors* from Viet Nam -- then got elected by a massive majority and proceeded to sell the Great Society boondoggle while targeting legitimate *hippies* while devastating Viet Nam; then turning control over to the new Mr. Clean, the infamous Richard *Tricky Dick* who got taken out by way of whatever was Watergate.<br />
<br />
Now we have Katrinagate. And no one better forget 9/11-gate.<br />
<br />
Thank you for this opportunity. There is one other rather worrisome matter to bring to your attention. Well, two.<br />
<br />
First, there is a *deep* article at <a href=""></a> <br />
which is oh-so-subtly spinning the *necessity* of a new military/corporate partnership to transcend obvious government inadequacies. This may be a precursor of the line they are going to try to sell, and may even believe. These things are long in the making. Recently, watching C-SPAN *books channel* one heard somebody giving an entirely pro-US spin on the suckering of the Soviets into Afghanistan -- well, he left that part pretty much glossed over -- and later, during the reign of the Taliban, he said something like, "We knew back then that Karzi would be the best president. ... That's how far in advance these things are arranged."<br />
<br />
The other item of concern is the proposed *peaceful anti-war protest* converging in Washington, DC, this weekend to come (Sept. 24-26). There is a distant rumble of counter-demonstration *thunder*. If that sparks any provocative and awe-striking *lightning* then *blitzkrieg* be damned, Ben Franklin predicted it. Who will be the beneficiaries of that if it turns into *the Battle of Seattle in Washington* after *the Battle with Washington in Seattle*. Karl Rove does not play fair, so don't expect miracles; still UNCLE SHAM's odor is so iferous that maybe they don't dare escalate on home turf right now. Are they ready to relocate to some *New Washington*? Who will be the new Chief Justice by then?<br />
<br />
A *new brush* with all the brains the *old bush* lacked?<br />
<br />
Just wonderin'... *ding*


Active Member

Posts: 194
PostPosted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 6:42 am

Its pretty simple MK, the price indicies reflect the purchasing power of he working class. NAIRU destroys that purchasing power, keeping prices increases to a minimum on the select baskets of goods used to calculate the incidies. Of course, that doesn't really mean "inflation" isn't rampant, it is, tried to buy a house lately? Or perhaps anything made in your own country instead of a third world sweatshop?


Forum Junkie
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Posts: 586
PostPosted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 7:09 am

Uh huh.
Well ol shrub is nuts no question there.But hey look at our PM.The Canadian public is no better then the American public.Just as dumb.Want proof.Look how they vote.They keep doing the same thing all over hoping for a better/different result.
I do not believe there is going to be a financial melt down.That has been pushed now for more than 20 years,and it still has not happened.Yes there are a lot of problems with corruption and such.But the system will not collaps.



Active Member

Posts: 301
PostPosted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 8:02 am

For the benefit of others:<br />
<br />
<a href=""></a><br />
<br />
"The term NAIRU is an acronym for Non-Accelerating Inflation Rate of Unemployment."<br />
<br />
"The NAIRU theory mainly intended as an argument against active Keynesian demand management and in favor of free markets (at least on the macroeconomic level). There is for instance no theoretical basis for predicting the NAIRU. Monetarists instead support the generalized assertion that the correct approach to unemployment is through microeconomic measures (to lower the NAIRU whatever its exact level), rather than macroeconomic activity based on an estimate of the NAIRU in relation to the actual level of unemployment. Monetary policy should aim instead at stabilizing the inflation rate, perhaps at zero."<br />
<br />
<br />
I have bought a house less than lately, but had it re-appraised more recently, and I'll note that my earnings have not kept pace with changes in its market value. Sounds more like stagflation to me (still a form of inflation).<br />
<br />
Also note that price levels can be maintained at constant levels by not considering TCO (total cost of ownership) of major purchase items. Look at consumer reports sometime. The fix/replace line is down to four or five years on major applicances that used to easily last twenty, partly because overly costly repairs are intrinsic to many new designs (a vulnerable $10 part buried under 6 hours of access labour for instance), and partly because low sticker price takes priority over warranty and long-term utility. So, the CPI component of such items makes inflation appear low, while the ongoing utilization-based price of the service that item provides shows its true level (e.g. measuring the cost of laundry instead of washing machines). Might also explain why, despite uninflated prices, consumer and household debt is increasing as much it is - such things can only very cynically be called "overconsumption".<br />
<br />
Another intersting micro-macro experience. Happened to be chatting with a business operator operating in a U.S. state that had "Chronically low" unemployment a few years back. What that meant was that they could not find "good help" to perform a certain service job at the price they were willing to pay. Prayed for an interest rate hike to generate enough "humility" in the economy that someone would take the job again at the required rate. Would not pay more, could not, or the viability of the business was at risk. Oddly enough, the business served an elite clientele, but was in a buyer's market due to overcapacity. Stagflation in a nutshell?<br />
<br />
And yes, I try all the time to live a cash-money lifestyle that enjoys what is available locally. You get a real perspective on the true cost of living when you avoid leveraging against your future by accepting debt to the banks. I can see that's where a lot of the "off-the-books" economy comes from.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 8:18 am

It has been approaching for twenty years, just like a train, but it will arrive don't doubt it.

Whistle in the dark by all means, but when the lights come on, be prepared for a shock.

This is another layer of the onion and I thank Meloy and the other posters who have added to the picture.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 8:22 am

Anyone who thinks the death of America is a good thing is unbelievably simple. You think the one truly free, open society on earth going down for the count will somehow empower the "people" of the rest of the world. What you fail to realize, apparently, is that America has been hijacked by traitorous, fascist, warmongering sycophants who's only goal has been the destruction of America and the resurgence Europe to lead the world into a new world dictatorship. What, you think the American people actually voted for this guy?(<a href=""></a>) You think Al-qaeda really exists?(<a href=""></a>) You think that the poll numbers and media coverage is from a free press giving you truth?(<a href=""></a>). Or that anything going on in America is the will of the people? I am sick and tired of foreign citizens calling the american people stupid, they're not, what they are are the victims of a vicious rouse perpetrated on them for more than 100 years, some would assert since our inception. The federal reserve, illegally imposed income tax, WWI, WW II and the soon to be WW III, manipulated markets, inflation and now state sponsored terrorism against its own citizens. You think the people, i.e. the 99.9999999% who don't hold political office, or have millions of dollars or own or manage a media outlet are happy? How about you wake the fuck up.<br />
...And for that small group of americans that have been decieved into equating the U.S. Government with the USA, maybe a little light reading will will jog your mind to see things a little differently:<br />
1)<a href=""></a><br />
2)<a href=""></a><br />


Active Member

Posts: 194
PostPosted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 9:14 am

The Wikipedia entry is under the mistaken impression that NAIRU is a past experiment that is no longer used. I have two graphs that disprove that assertion. NAIRU is alive and well and both the Bank of Canada and the Federal Reserve are actively adjusting interest rates to keep unemployment high.<br />
<br />
Interest rates used to keep Canadian unemployment at 7.5% (NAIRU). Also includes (a greatly exaggerated) line showing the consumer price index changes during the same period.<br />
<a href=""></a><br />
<br />
Interest rates used to keep US unemployment at 5.5%<br />
<a href=""></a><br />
<br />
Data for both of these graphs came from the Bank of Canada (interest rates), Statscan (CPI), and the OECD for standardized unemployment rates. I chose OECD data over US or Canadian data because of differences in calculating unemployment rates. This way its not apples and oranges.


Forum Junkie
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Posts: 586
PostPosted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 9:15 am

Good links anon.
Yes it is true income tax in the USA is ILLEGAL.Most Americans probably do not know that.
The vote rigging is easy to pull off with electronic counters.
The so called terrorists are just a front for other means.
If America goes down,yes others will step in to enforce their will.That is world history.WW2 should be clear enough about that.
The people are another matter.The public basically has their head up their ass,and the Canadian public is no better.You always get the type of government you deserve.
The public in both countries has decided to opt out and shop.If the public does not care why should the people seeking office?By not voting the public is saying do what you want.Which the politicians do!
If the non voters went and voted for all the other parties,the log jamb would be broken.Imagine if CAP,Green,DD,Social Credit,Bloc,Libertarian,Communist got the 50-70% that don`t vote,to vote.We would not have the crime syndicate in Ottawa that is there now.The same goes for the USA.The only people who need any power in any country,is the public.I am all for the Swiss model.
Nothing is perfect,but what we have now is Fascism.If you read up on Fascism,you will find that the biggest supporters are the business class and the judicial system.
There are no easy answers here,both countries are in deep shit and the public is fast asleep.


PostPosted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 10:08 am

you canadians suck. The Aussies despise us as much or more than you do, but they are a class act. Canadians are weak,limp, self-absorbed, self-righteous and totally into this so called corruption because they benifit from American proximity. Canadians are the Cretans of the developed world (this is over most canucks heads). I hope history portrays you as you really are.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 11:05 am

Something I do find surprising is the lack of in depth discussion into the disconnect between reality and statistics with regards to the US economy. On one hand, productivity has been blistering for most of the last 15 years, inflation is well under control, interest rates are historically low still but probably at neutral, and unemployment is again, historically low. Oh, I forgot, asset inflation driven by rapid credit and debt creation is to be labled wealth creation.<br />
<br />
Several economists have looked behind the curtain and seen what may infact be a ecocomical never-neverland. Here's a few random sources....<br />
<br />
Unemployment - <a href=""></a><br />
<br />
GDP - <a href=""></a><br />
<br />
Debt - <a href=""></a><br />
<br />
And my very favourite for showing the pie in the sky nature of stats today, inflation - <a href=""></a><br />
<br />
But as long as people 'feel' that they are getting wealthier, that's alright then!<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />

PostPosted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 12:28 pm

I won't argue with you on that point Spud. I was a sheeple until a little more than a year ago. I too thought the Liberals we actually liberals, I had no understanding of why or how interest rates couple possibly affect economic growth, I just trusted that all those "people that are better and smarter then me" knew what they were doing and that what they were doing was in the interest of all Canadians.

One you start questioning, the answers fall into place FAST though and believe me, it is not a pleasant awakening - but it is necessary. This is why I both dread and welcome the coming depression. I know it will be painful and many will suffer but, hopefully, people will come to realize, just as they did in the 30s, that the fascist model is just not good for democracy. I also hope, but do not expect, the general public will come to recognize that the main force behind the coming depression, banking, must be fundamentally and permanently changed. We didn't do it coming out of the last depression, maybe we will this time.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 4:19 pm

Will everyone just quityerbitchen, open some type of trading account,(stock,commodities etc.)put some money in it,TAKE A POSITION ONE WAY OR THE OTHER, and make some money for yourself!!!!!! You are not going to change anything because you are not in power and if you were in power you would be as corrupt as those in power right now. Quit crying and try to make your life a little,(or a lot) better by playing the game from a distance!!!!!!!!!

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