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- You have mail. -
Category: Other Jokes/Blonde Jokes

From: jazzman
Author: Unknown
Added: February 03, 2006
Modified: February 03, 2006
Views: 2519
Votes: 4
Rating: 6

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You have mail.:

Blonde checking for mail.

One sunny afternoon, a guy is busy mowing his lawn. As he is finishing up, he sees his hot blonde neighbour walking down to her mail box.

She opens it, looks inside, then shows a puzzled look on her face and closes the mailbox and goes back in her house.

The guy is confused as to why she just did that, but ignores it and goes back to what he was doing.

A few minutes later, the blonde neighbour goes to her mailbox again and does the exact same thing again, then goes back in her house.

Another few minutes later, she does it again, this time banging the mailbox shut with anger.

Another few minutes later, she does it again, this time hitting her mailbox and screaming at it.

At this point, the guy can't take it anymore and goes over to her and says, 'Why are going back and forth checking the mailbox for ?.'

The blonde then goes ' It's because of my computer. It keeps telling me I have mail.'

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