Canadian Reviews

Mission Impossible 3 Review


Personally, I can�t believe that they ever made a MI:2, never mind number three. Even the first one wasn�t all that good, with the ending being very predictable. Still, it�s a �franchise� now, and that means summer sequels hoping to be blockbusters.


In this one, the hero, Ethan Hunt has given up going on missions and is just training agents for IMF. The reason he has done this is that he plans on settling down and marrying his fianc� (Monahan). All she knows is that he works for the Department of Transportation doing work on traffic analysis.


But, one of his star pupils gets captured and he feels obligated to rescue her. The rescue is a success but she dies shortly after they escape. During the course of it, Hunt runs afoul of arms dealer Owen Davien (Hoffman), who I admit, is one of the best movie villains in a long time. Too bad he got hardly any screen time. Had he gotten more screen time, this likely would have been one of the best action movies of the summer. Without him, it�s nothing special. Of course, Davien kidnaps Hunt�s fianc� and forces him to steal a biological weapon for him from a laboratory in Shanghai.


The rest of Hunt�s IMF team looks pretty, but with the exception of Ving Rhames, is hardly on screen at all and hardly ever talk either.


I kind of feel sorry for J.J. Abrams. He took a franchise with arguably the world�s best known actor (however crazy he is these days) and sank it with his first try. I guess he�ll have to stick to Alias and Lost.


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Added: May 29th 2006
Reviewer bootlegga
Hits: 2607

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