Canadian Reviews

Transformers Review

Michael Bay has redeemed himself. After such flops as Pearl Harbor and the Island, Transformers looks to be a huge movie. While most of the stars are relative unknowns (unless you are under 20 and watch the Disney Channel/Nickelodeon), they all do a pretty good job.

The movie starts off with a bang when one of the Decepitcons attacks a US military base in the Middle East, in an attempt to find top secret military information about the whereabouts of the Cube, a source of life and power for both the Autobots and Decepticons.

Shia Labeouf stars as a young teenager (Sam Witwicky) who is related to a famous Arctic explorer and could hold the key to mankind surviving the upcoming Decepitcons attack. He buys his first car, a beat up 80�s Camaro, which turns out to be an Autobot, Bumblebee. Soon, he signals the rest of the Autobots to Earth to secure the Cube. Very quickly, Sam is on the run from the Decepticons and the govenrment�s �Sector 7�, who want information that he has.

The movie has plenty of amazing CGI and the story, while far-fetched, was still quite good. Having never watched the cartoon back in the 80s, this movie was fresh and much better than I expected, and more enjoyable than the other big blockbusters I�ve already seen this summer (Spiderman 3 Shrek 3, Pirates, or Ocean�s 13). There is also plenty of comic relief from a variety of characters.

One nice bonus is that a teaser for J.J. Abrams Cloverfield is part of the coming attractions, and it looks like it could be really good (a mix of Godzilla and Blair Witch if you can believe it).

All in all, Transformers is the perfect summer blockbuster, with plenty of comedy, action, adventure, romance, etc.


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Added: July 3rd 2007
Reviewer bootlegga
Related Link: Official Transformers website
Hits: 3355

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  1. Posted by stratos
    2007-07-10 15:36:55
    my score:
    I seen the movie on the 8th and could not agree with you more. The movie is outstanding. I did watch the transformers in the 80''s and found very little to complain about with this adaptation. Great review bootlegga.
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