Past Surveys
· Should people do more to honour veterans throughout the year?(Results - 13 votes)
· Are You Mad at the Sale of HBC?(Results - 105 votes)
· What place overall to you predict Canada will get at the Olympics?(Results - 179 votes)
· With another minority government looking like a reality, how long do you think it will last?(Results - 648 votes)
· Ski or Board?(Results - 196 votes)
· Have you finished your Christmas shopping(Results - 249 votes)
· What should the "tree" be called?(Results - 1009 votes)
· Who will win the Grey Cup?(Results - 290 votes)
· Which party would benefit MOST from a January election?(Results - 32 votes)
· Do you think Shania Twain is deserving of the Order of Canada, this country�s highest honour for lif(Results - 215 votes)
· Would a study into the reasons behind growing gun violence be worthwhile, or a waste of time?(Results - 307 votes)
· Should prostitution laws be scrapped?(Results - 395 votes)
· Should Michaelle Jean be the LAST Governor-General ?(Results - 277 votes)
· Should the Liberal government set up a relief program to offset high oil and nautral gas prices?(Results - 371 votes)
·  Should U.S. troops be recalled from Iraq and Afghanistan to help deal with Hurricane aftermath(Results - 241 votes)
·  Should U.S. troops be recalled from Iraq and Afghanistan to help deal with the aftermath of Hurri(Results - 8 votes)
· Do you check the CKA News Links?(Results - 26 votes)
· Are you happy hockey is coming back this season?(Results - 722 votes)
· Will you explore Canada this summer?(Results - 292 votes)
· How will you spend Canada Day?(Results - 527 votes)
· What do you think the verdict will be in the Michael Jackson trial?(Results - 314 votes)
· Do you want to see all parties try and make the current Parliament work?(Results - 162 votes)
· Will you be going to the Karla Homolka movie?(Results - 347 votes)
· Do you support the Prime Minister's decision to ignore calls for an election?(Results - 299 votes)
· Do you believe the deal between the NDP and the Liberals will save the Martin government?(Results - 212 votes)
· Do you love or hate your cell phone?(Results - 258 votes)
· Should the Conservatives force a federal election?(Results - 252 votes)
· Should the next pope come from the third world?(Results - 196 votes)
· Have you been a victim of racism?(Results - 217 votes)
· Should Terri Schiavo, a brain-damaged woman in the U.S., be allowed to die?(Results - 167 votes)
· Do you think forced treatment for drug addicted kids would be effective?(Results - 80 votes)
· Is it time to get rid of the gun registry?(Results - 162 votes)
· What should be the penalty for running a marijuana grow-up?(Results - 125 votes)
· The Michael Jackson child molestation trial is underway in California. Do you believe he is:(Results - 198 votes)
· Which members here work?(Results - 229 votes)
· Age groups (Vote only once please)(Results - 421 votes)
· Do you support same-sex marriage?(Results - 414 votes)
· This year I will vacatiion in(Results - 478 votes)
· Where do you live?(Results - 903 votes)
· Will the NHL season be saved?(Results - 1045 votes)
· Should parents who refuse to pay child support face jail time?(Results - 292 votes)
· What countries media did you watch for the US Election?(Results - 697 votes)
· Who would you vote for?(Results - 680 votes)
· CFL favorite team(Results - 499 votes)
· Will you miss the NHL season because of the lock out?(Results - 572 votes)
· Which side is the best side (of Canada)?(Results - 208 votes)
· Are you returning to school in Sept(Results - 586 votes)
· Do you watch TV?(Results - 403 votes)
· Are you happy with the results of the elections?(Results - 200 votes)
· Who will win the Federal Election?(Results - 425 votes)
· Who thinks the Flames will go all the way?(Results - 262 votes)
· Summer or Winter?(Results - 274 votes)
· Canadian Team you're Rooting for?(Results - 499 votes)
· Who will win the next Federal Election?(Results - 1033 votes)
· Should Canada Invest more in Space?(Results - 251 votes)
· Do you think Return of the King Should Win Golden Globe for Best Picture?(Results - 231 votes)
· Overall do you think Chretien was a good PM(Results - 372 votes)
· Favorite Winter Sport(Results - 570 votes)
· How do you think Canada should handle foreign affairs?(Results - 341 votes)
· What would you like to see more of on this site?(Results - 317 votes)
· Favorite Hip Album?(Results - 184 votes)
· Should you be a member here to post in forums(Results - 138 votes)
· DO you agree with same sex marriages?(Results - 429 votes)
· Stanley Cup winner(Results - 164 votes)
· Should PM Chretien Step down early?(Results - 142 votes)
· What do you think will be the biggest summer blockbuster?(Results - 125 votes)
· Which Canadian team are you rooting for?(Results - 320 votes)
· Should the UN have a leading role in post-war Iraq?(Results - 193 votes)
· Juno Fan Choice Award?(Results - 75 votes)
· How long will the War last?(Results - 273 votes)
· Which Canadian team should win the Stanley Cup?(Results - 431 votes)
· Favorite Team Sport?(Results - 646 votes)
· Who is the greatest threat to world stability/peace.(Results - 1001 votes)
· Favorite Canadian NHL Team(Results - 1834 votes)
· Funniest Canadian(Results - 798 votes)
· Favorite Canadian Beer Company(Results - 578 votes)
· How often do you visit - 135 votes)
· Where are you from?(Results - 823 votes)
· The Best Female Canadian Artist(Results - 478 votes)
· Favorite Canadian Band(Results - 494 votes)
· Your Favorite Star Wars(Results - 208 votes)

Surveys Attached to Articles


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