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Blessed Are The Peacemakers

Posted on Wednesday, October 18 at 02:36 by Subsandwich

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Blessed are the Peacemakers

By Suzanne Berton � 10-Aug-06

 There�s a lot to be said for people who stand up for peace during times of war.  We must give credit to such people even if their struggles fall on warmongers� deaf ears.  Blessed are the Peacemakers � Blessed are our Canadian Peacekeepers.

 Still, I feel we must thank the soldiers who go out to fight wars also; I�m sure none of them wanted to see the day they�d do combat.  If you pause for a minute, people who stand for war want war, often bullying citizens to gain control for their own sick reasons.  Hoping for peace is a great thing, but with some people attaining peace is a dead end road.  These destructive forces will continue to hurt innocents despite our chants of �Give Peace a Chance.�

 As a Canadian woman, I want to know that our men are standing up for peace through peacekeeping missions, but I expect our troops to defend us against the bullies of war.   While it hurts to hear soldiers have died for Canada, I know they�ve not died in vain.  They stood by their country fighting in the name of peace to all.  

Blessed are our Canadian troops.


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